Looking for a cheap 100/100 fibre internet plan?
In this guide, we’ve reviewed the 5 best 100 Mbit/s down and up broadband packages you can buy in Sweden right now.
Let’s get started.
Cheapest 100/100 broadband offers
In this part of the article, we’ve discussed three of the best 100 Mbit/s symmetrical broadband tariffs on the market at the moment, and looked at which are cheapest.
1. Ownit 100/100 Fibre Broadband
Ownit consistently offers some of the cheapest broadband prices on the market, and their 100/100 fibre offer is no exception.
Their 100 Mbit/s plan has very low monthly costs, and no start-up fee. Plus, there is no minimum contract term – you can cancel whenever you’d like, with a month’s notice.
The best thing about Ownit though isn’t their prices, it’s how they perform in testing.
According to the Svenskt Kvalitetsindex (SKI), an organisation that tests the performance of different broadband companies in the real world, Ownit performs better than any other provider. They offer consistently fast speeds, and great customer service.
Overall, it’s hard to go past Ownit if you’re looking for cheap broadband with a 100 megabit download and upload speed.
The downside to this provider is if you need to use Ownit’s router (meaning you don’t already have one you can use), you’ll have to pay a decent amount of money for it. There’s no option to rent a router on a month-to-month basis.
Overall value rating
2. Telenor 100/100 Fibre Broadband
During the first 12 months of the contract, Telenor’s 100 symmetrical Mbit/s broadband deal is cheaper than Ownit’s, which makes it really great value for money.
Unlike most other providers, Telenor offers the ability to leave the contract in the first 14 days, if you’re not completely satisfied. This basically gives you the ability to test Telenor fibre broadband before committing for 12 months, which is nice to have.
The downside to Telenor 100 Mbit/s fibre broadband is there is a decent connection fee that you have to pay. Also, after the first 12 months, the monthly cost increases significantly.
However, on the plus side, Telenor includes router rental for free – you don’t need to pay them a monthly fee to get their Wi-Fi router. It’s also easy to add on Wi-Fi boosters and other extras to your plan when you begin using Telenor broadband, which can be helpful for some people.
Just remember, if you join Telenor, make sure to set a reminder for when the contract ends. When this happens, it might be worth switching providers or entering into a new contract, to avoid having to pay a much higher monthly cost.
Overall value rating
3. Allente 100/100 Fibre Broadband
Allente’s 100/100 broadband offer has very competitive monthly costs. They’re not quite as cheap as Telenor, but they are comparable to Ownit, although Allente doesn’t have a cheaper introductory price for the first few months of the contract, like Ownit does.
Similar to Ownit, there is no start-up fee associated with the broadband aspect of the contract when you join Allente. However, there is a small shipping fee if you decide to get equipment delivered, such as a TV box or router.
However, with this provider, the default contract length is 24 months, which is quite long. With other companies, such as Telenor, you only have to commit for 12 months at a time.
With Allente, if you don’t have a router already, you’ll have to buy one off them, and pay it off over the length of the contract.
While being able to avoid paying a large initial router fee is nice, the monthly cost of renting the router is quite high. It’s best to buy a router yourself, rather than renting from Allente, if you can.
Another thing that’s worth mentioning – you’ll notice when signing up that Allente puts a lot of focus on pushing their IPTV offers. You’ll need to unselect the default TV package if cable TV isn’t of interest to you.
Overall value rating
What you need to know

In this section, we’ve explained what you need to know when buying a 100-megabit internet plan, and how to save money when shopping.
How much should I expect to pay for a 100/100 broadband tariff?
Typically, you can expect to pay about 400-450 SEK per month for a broadband tariff with a 100 Mbit/s download speed and a 100 Mbit/s upload speed.
The exact amount you’ll pay will mostly depend on the length of the contract, and how long ago you joined the provider.
It’s normal to pay up to 500 SEK per month for a 100/100 broadband plan once your binding period has expired. At this point, you should consider entering into a new agreement, or switching providers, to minimise how much you’re paying per month.
On the other hand, during the first few months of the contract after you switch broadband provider, you might be entitled to a special introductory rate. This could give you access to fibre broadband for as little as 100 SEK per month, for a limited period.
Is 100 Mbit/s enough download and upload speed for me?
When it comes to your download speed, a 100 Mbit/s internet connection is enough for most 2-3 person households.
You’ll only need more bandwidth if lots of people often get online at the same time, and use lots of data. For example, with multiple people downloading large files or watching 4K video at once, you might find that 100 Mbit/s of bandwidth isn’t quite enough.
You may also want faster internet if you often download large files. While 100 Mbit/s is not slow, having a 500-1000 Mbit/s download speed instead will make the process of downloading large files much more efficient.
However, in the majority of cases where you only use the internet casually, and don’t often make large downloads, 100 Mbit/s will be enough broadband speed for most small families.
When it comes to your upload speed, 100 Mbit/s will be plenty in the vast majority of cases. You’ll only ever want more if you often upload 5GB or larger files to the internet on a regular basis. Most households do not upload very significant amounts of data, meaning a 100 Mbit/s upload speed will offer plenty of bandwidth.
Other factors to consider when choosing a broadband provider
Other than their monthly and upfront costs, there are some other factors it’s important to consider when choosing a broadband provider.
- Customer service. How well does the provider do in testing, such as in the SKI ratings? While it’s good to find a cheap broadband plan, if something goes wrong with your connection, it’s good to be with a provider that will solve the issue quickly.
- Router purchase and rental options. If you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding and buying a Wi-Fi router that will be compatible with your broadband plan, it’s worth choosing a broadband provider that offers routers for a reasonable price. Also, consider whether you would prefer to buy the router outright, for a single fee, or whether you would prefer to pay a smaller monthly cost over the life of the contract.
- Other add-ons and bonuses. For example, are you interested in IPTV channels? Some broadband providers also offer you the ability to add on Wi-Fi signal extenders, which can be helpful if you have a large house.
Should I buy or rent a Wi-Fi router?
In most cases, if you have the choice, it’s best to buy rather than rent a Wi-Fi router, if you need a new one, either with your broadband provider or by buying it separately.
Although the initial cost will be lower, if you rent a router from your broadband provider on a monthly basis, the overall cost of doing this will be a lot higher. If you can afford it, it’s better to buy the router upfront.
Just ensure that the price is competitive if you buy a router from your broadband provider. Make sure to compare to cost to the prices offered on similar routers by other retailers.
What will my latency be with a 100/100 broadband tariff?
With most fibre broadband packages in Sweden, including 100/100 deals, your latency will be about 10-15ms most of the time, and sometimes a bit higher (20-30ms) over Wi-Fi, depending on the router you’re using, and your distance from it.
If having a low ping or latency is important to you, it doesn’t matter whether you buy a 100/100, 250/250, or 1000/1000 broadband tariff. Your latency will remain low the vast majority of the time.
Is mobile broadband worth considering to save money?
If you’re looking to save as much money as possible on your broadband connection, you might be exploring other ways to get online at home, such as using mobile broadband, via 4G LTE or 5G.
Most of the time, using 4G or 5G broadband will cost about the same amount per month as a 100/100 fibre broadband tariff. You might be able to save a bit of money with Tre, but most of the time, mobile broadband is not a cheaper solution.
The upside of mobile broadband is although you’ll pay a similar price, you might be able to get significantly faster download speeds than 100 Mbit/s, while paying a similar amount per month – especially if you have 5G signal at your address.
However, it’s important to be aware that your latency will be less consistent when using mobile broadband. When playing online games, you might experience lag more often.
How to switch broadband providers
When switching broadband providers, the first thing to do is find out whether you can cancel your current connection, and what the process involves.
Typically, you have to give a month’s notice, assuming there is no binding period left on the contract. If you are still in a termed agreement, you may need to pay a cancellation fee, and you might not be able to leave the contract with just a month’s notice.
Once you have arranged to cancel the old broadband, you will need to place an order for a new connection, scheduled to start when the old service goes offline. You should ideally give the new provider at least a month’s notice, to ensure that there is enough time for them to send out your new equipment, and get everything set up for you.
After the new connection is set up, the old one will be switched off. You shouldn’t experience any significant downtime, although you may be offline for an hour or two while an engineer sets up your new broadband connection.
Don’t forget to send back your old router and TV box to your broadband provider once you stop using it, if the provider owns the equipment. If you don’t do this, they may charge you extra fees for holding onto their equipment for too long.
You’ve reached the end of our guide to the cheapest 100/100 broadband tariffs in Sweden at the moment.
Most of the time, we recommend choosing Ownit if you’re looking for a 100 Mbit/s broadband tariff. While they aren’t always the cheapest provider, their customer service more than makes up for it.
If you have any questions about choosing a fibre internet offer to buy, feel free to leave us a comment below, and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

I’m Roger, and I’m the founder of Broadband 4 Europe.
I grew up in Switzerland but live in Germany now, and also lived in South Tirol for a while in the past.
I have a background in IT and have performed extensive research into the broadband markets of most major European countries. Learning about fixed-line broadband markets is my nerdy hobby, but I’m also excited by the possibilities that 5G (and eventually 6G) broadband will provide us in the future.
When I’m not researching broadband companies and their networks, you’ll find me playing volleyball or the piano.